09 Dec 5 tips on how to manage uncertain times with gratitude:
In these crazy times it is often not easy to stay positive. Negative thoughts, fears and frustration arise in us and try to determine everyday life. We often focus on things that we cannot influence and so waste valuable energy. Instead we should invest this energy in things that we can actually change, such as our thoughts, attitude to life and point of view. We can define these anew every day and decide who we want to be and how we want to go through life.
Therefore, it helps to walk in GRATITUDE!
Here are 5 TIPS on how to navigate uncertain times with gratitude:
- daily awareness of your health, your family, friends and your home
- get into a routine with exercise, meditation, reading, listening to podcasts, etc.
- enjoy the little things in life such as a coffee-to-go in your favorite café, the bright colors of the sunrise or a walk outside
- use this time to do things that you've always wanted to try, but haven't had the time to do
- Every day, just before going to sleep, write down three beautiful things that you have experienced today
I am grateful for who I am and my loved ones and stay with myself with my thoughts.
Petra Geißler
Posted at 09:58h, 10 DecemberWunderbare, bestärkende Worte! Es sind immer die kleinen Dinge die wir uns bewusst machen dürfen….herzensgrüsse und Danke 🤩
Posted at 11:02h, 11 DecemberLiebe Petra,
ganz genau, es sind immer die kleinen Dinge im Leben, die den großen Unterschied machen:)
Ganz liebe Grüße
Posted at 21:54h, 10 DecemberKann ich nur zustimmen. Viele Menschen haben oft sehr hohe Erwartungen an das Leben oder legen ihr “Glück” in die Hände anderer Menschen, anstatt sich zunächst auf sich selbst zu konzentrieren und sich den einfachen Dingen bewusst zu werden und dankbar dafür zu sein. Toller Beitrag und schönr Webseite!
Posted at 10:51h, 11 DecemberHallo lieber Marc,
vielen Dank für deine offenen, schönen und sehr wahren Worte.
Liebe Grüße