11 Dec Spirituality
Have you ever wondered what the word spirituality means to you?
Everyone associates the word differently, but unfortunately the topic is often ridiculed and presented in a very clichéd manner.
For me, spirituality means to search for myself, to face my fears and hurdles and to grow with them. It means being more attentive, loving and conscious to myself and my environment. To look inward every day in order to stay with me more, not to judge others and to accept them as they are. And with all this to get a little closer to your dreams.
There are several things that can be helpful in getting more time to spend on yourself, reflecting and developing. Different things may apply to everyone. Here are a few ideas:
Meditation: In dieser lauten & bunten Welt mal abzuschalten, dich an einen Wohlfühlplatz zu begeben, es dir gemütlich zu machen, die Augen zu schließen und einfach Mal an nichts zu denken. Daraus schöpft man Kraft und kann sich wieder gestärkt in den Alltag begeben. Ich nennen es auch die „5-min-Alltagspause“.
Rituals Daily repetitive things, such as to prepare a coffee in the morning with all the time and enjoy it relaxed. During this time you are completely with yourself and more consciously enjoy the little things that bring you pleasure.
Yoga: I love sport and I need it for my wellbeing. Depending on which yoga you do, it can be either very relaxing or very strenuous and sweaty. I love the mixture of strength with your own body weight and the simultaneous stretching. At the end you still have the opportunity to relax and collect yourself for a few minutes.
Reading To switch off, not to stare into any display and to venture into another world with a book. Be it with a non-fiction book, an autobiography, a novel, etc. Educate yourself further and use this time for yourself to draw information from it, to be inspired and perhaps to change things in your everyday life in a positive way.
Petra Geißler
Posted at 08:54h, 14 DecemberThank you so much for your wonderful inspiration! Expressed with wonderful lovely 😊 words! Love to read it all Munay Petra